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"Becca is an instrumental part of my writing process. She has the magic touch when it comes to plot, characters, and knowing what readers want without sacrificing my vision for the story. She provides in-depth feedback in a kind yet constructive way, and she’s an absolute joy to work with. I highly recommend her services to anyone who needs help brainstorming ideas or wants detailed feedback that’ll uplevel their stories."
– Ana Huang, #1 NYT Bestselling Author

"Working with Becca has been a game-changer for me. Her creative process complements mine, with the two of us working as a team from the very first sparks of an idea to the last-minute tweaks on a final project. She pushes me to think outside of an outline, take risks on new ideas, and embrace changes that seem scary but pay off in the end. Becca is a key member of my team, and I can’t imagine writing another book without her."
– Lauren Asher, NYT and #1 Amazon Bestselling Author

"Writing can be a lonely affair and as such, we can often get bogged down in the mechanics of a story without seeing a clear path to the finish. Becca's magic is that she can alchemize an author's vision with what readers want to see in a story, providing advice and support to polish and perfect your plot. I cannot recommend her services more highly!"
– Giana Darling, USA Today & WSJ Bestselling Author

“Becca sees the little things—the things that matter to the reader. Working with her is an anxiety-reducer! How did I write before her? Becca has an amazing ability to break down problems that overwhelm me into tiny, workable bumps in the road, making writer’s block and plot issues a non-issue. She’s a genius!”

– Adriana Locke,  USA Today Bestselling Author 

“Becca’s instincts about story and character are spot-on. She understands the structure and pacing of a romance perfectly. Not only did she recognize exactly where I’d made missteps, but she offered suggestions for correcting them in order to keep the tension high and the romance hot. Sometimes I thought she knew my characters better than I did! I couldn’t have written IF YOU WERE MINE without her feedback. Highly recommend.”
– Melanie Harlow, USA Today Bestselling Author

"Fairy Plot-Mother transformed my story idea from rags to an elegant and intricate ballgown. Becca understands the mechanics of story from a reader standpoint, as well as from a marketing perspective. She was able to steer my series idea to fit best with books at the top of the charts. She never once exerted her will over my story as though she knew best. Instead, she pulled the story out of me with gentle, probing questions, always being respectful of my creativity. It was a truly magical experience!"
– Ines Johnson

“Becca is a natural borne storyteller. She can take an idea and help weave it into a captivating story that makes you eager to get back to writing. She picks up on every plot hole and helps you cover every detail. Becca explains her suggestions in a way that makes your creativity bloom, and she enriches your story more than you can know. I can not recommend working with her enough.”
– Holly Renee

"Talking through character and plot and structure with Becca is much more productive than having that same discussion with myself over a cup of coffee. I always end my conversations with Becca with a clearer picture of where I want the story to go and how I want the characters to develop. One thing I love about Becca’s approach to developmental editing is that she never tells me what to do. She gives me lots of things to consider about my work and then allows me to talk and think through them with her so that I reach a solution that I know my readers will love.”
– Mae Wood

"I’ve been so incredibly lucky to have found Becca as my editor. Not only does she offer thoughtful insight to each project, but she does so in a way that, even while being critical, manages to be positive and encouraging, maintaining the truth behind your words. Above all, I love that her job doesn’t end when she returns her notes to me. She continues to check in, see how edits are going, and asks if I’ve hit any other snags. She’s like an author coach and editor in one! And I have no doubt that the reason Callback and Role Play are my top selling books is in part due to her hard work, eagle eye, and keen developmental insight into plot and characters.”
– Katana Collins